Truck Accident Lawyers San Diego

If you sustained injuries or lost a loved one in a truck accident in California, you may be eligible to recover compensation for the parties at fault. Truck companies have their own attorneys fighting for them, so it is only right that you also have truck accident lawyers San Diego fighting for you. At Hayes Law, our truck accident lawyers San Diego are ready to discuss your case and fight for you.
Truck accident cases can be more complicated than passenger vehicle accident cases. Firstly, this is the case because, after a truck accident occurs, it can be challenging to establish liability.
Often, people assume that only truck drivers are to blame for truck accidents, but this is not the case. Unlike a typical auto accident case, many parties can be liable in a truck accident case. Our truck accident lawyers San Diego can help you investigate your case and determine which party or parties are liable.
Truck accident cases can be more complicated than auto accident cases because there are unique laws that are specific to truckers and trucking companies. Our trucking accident lawyers San Diego understand these laws. If you were injured or lost a loved one in a truck accident, we are here to help you determine which laws were broken and to establish liability.
At Hayes Law, we have years of experience helping clients with their truck accident cases. We understand what it takes to secure maximum compensation. Allow us to help you navigate the legal process.
It is important you speak to a lawyer as soon as you can after suffering injuries or losing a loved one in a truck accident so you can be able to establish liability. Crucial evidence can disappear if you wait to file your claim. Our truck accident lawyers San Diego will act fast to investigate your truck accident case and collect evidence that can help you prove that the truck driver is liable. We also help clients prove liability on the part of, among others;
  • Truck owners,
  • Trucking companies,
  • Leasing companies, and
  • Independent contractors.
Often, truck drivers are to blame for truck accidents. However, we will consider all possibilities. We even make sure to consider if the design of a truck could have played a part in causing an accident. Our experienced truck accident lawyers San Diego will leave no stone unturned.
At Hayes Law, we deal with different types of truck accident cases. The following are some of the types and causes of truck accidents with which we are experienced:
  • Commercial vehicle accidents
  • Delivery truck accidents
  • Trucking company negligence
  • Truck driver negligence
  • Unsecure truck cargo
  • Overloaded truck cargo
  • Driver fatigue
  • Truck underride accidents
  • Distracted driving
  • Unqualified drivers
  • Drunk driving
  • Drugged driving
  • Reckless driving
  • Tanker truck accidents
  • Speeding
  • Aggressive driving
Regardless of what caused the truck accident that injured you or killed your dear one, as long as negligence was involved, you should have a chance to hold the at-fault party or parties liable for their actions. While no amount of money can undo what has already been done, our truck accident lawyers San Diego can help you pursue the compensation to help you move forward.
It can be tempting to take on a truck accident case without the help of truck accident lawyers San Diego, especially if you are worried about finances. But it is best that you do not handle your case alone, especially if you are dealing with multiple liable parties and insurance companies. Our truck accident lawyers San Diego are experienced in negotiating with multiple parties. We can help you take on, among others, the following;
  • Defense attorneys
  • Investigators
  • The trucking company
  • The leasing company
  • The truck manufacturer
If you take on a truck accident case by yourself, you may end up recovering less than you deserve. We can help you pursue the compensation you deserve and avoid leaving any money on the table.
California truck accident cases can be complicated and involve multiple parties. You need the services of skilled and dedicated truck accident lawyers San Diego to increase your chances of recovering the compensation you deserve. The truck accident lawyers San Diego at Hayes Law will not settle your truck accident case for less because we are afraid of or cannot afford litigation. We are ready to fight for you till you recover what you are owed. To schedule a consultation, contact us at

Attorney Jillian F. Hayes

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